Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Holidays

Hope all have had a great holiday season. We have spent the holidays with family and friends and it has been wonderful.
I've not been on the water enough but have plans to change that very soon. I always try to get out to Rocky Ford on or around New Years day. It's nice to get that first fish of the season early in the year. I can't help but think it's great way to start the year, no matter how cold it is. I know that the fish will be willing to eat my humble offerings.
Don't forget that the fish at the Ford don't really care for bright sun. It is probably warmer with some cloud cover any way. It always seems easier to go out when the sun is out but that is not your best chance of catching. Having said that the best time to go fishing is when you can. Check back soon and I'll have a report on my new year outing.
